From PC Internet to mobile Internet, and then to the new era of blockchain, the development of science and technology is advancing rapidly, and the real world and the digital world are inte-grated gradually. Nowadays, the rise of the Meta Universe shows us a new world. FaithDao will integrate the virtual world and the physical world, and connect the physical world and the digital world.Which makes it become a digital space-time parallel to the real world.Faithdao is the most valuable Dao organization jointly initiated by Technology Geeks and has gathered many talents in the blockchain all over the world, which makes it the most competitive in the field of comprehensive R & D. FaithDao is committed to creating a new decentralized one-stop financial social platform integrating defi+dao+swap+nft+gamefi+socialfi, so that to essentially realize the financial revolution of human civilization and establish a new system that is healthy, safe, intelligent, open, transparent and equal. Finally, a complete social comprehensive credit certification chain will be formed, which will be widely used in meta universe and Web3.0,financial ecology, social network ecology, knowledge industry ecology, game entertainment ecology and so on. It will create a new business era, with improved application scenarios, innovative technologies, strong ecological cycle and highlighting infinite value.